Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I was going to dedicate this to the person it was written about. Instead, i'm going to dedicate it to the ladies and gents that I love and who love me. Thank you for not being this person

Venomous Masquerade

That mask is so beautifully enticing.

It drew me in like it was supposed to.

I’m still wondering how much of the act was real.

Did you ever realize at any point the damage you did?


They say hind sight is 20/20.

But it doesn’t hurt to have an insider too.

I have one question that I don’t need answered.

When you look in the mirror do you see both of your faces?


All of those wonderful things you said to distract me.

Really did the job while you stole from me in the same breath.

You saw my nature before we spoke because I’m translucent.

I wear my heart on my sleeve for easy access to those closest.


You snaked through the crowd like a silenced rattler.

As deadly as a cobra, you were to my dreams

Your reflective scales gave an air of real blood.

But you are simply the court jester, imitating crowns.


One day I’ll get you a real mirror.

But right now you seem all too happy

With your magnifying glass making you appear

Larger than life to no one but you.

Copyright © 2009 Natasha Guy

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