Sunday, February 14, 2010

Single's Awareness Day

Single's Awareness Day, aka valentine's day, doesn't only bring bad feelings to single folks. It reminds people in a relationship of what could be better as well. Now, I know that all single people don't hate today just like all coupled people don't love today. I've got that, so please don't leave comments about how happy you are today even though you are single...I understand. not for you; this is for the first groups that I mentioned, the unhappily single and coupled folks. My thoughts on today about how these people feel all filter down to one word in my mind, rejection. It's not about how many people you don't want that want you, it's about the ones you want, not loving (or respecting or valuing) you back. It's kind of like being alone even though someone is holding your hand. Today can seem to hone in on your opacity as a human moving in and out of the lives of others. The good news? There are 364 more days til we hit the next S.A.D.

1 comment:

  1. Well, this day is the most hilarious of them all and S.A.D. indeed. The reason I say that is because couples want to believe that they don't need it and singles want to believe that they will score...SAD. So like you said rejection, but how do you get past it because it!
