Saturday, September 25, 2010

Thoughts on Love

These are just a few more thoughts on this thing we call Love:

Learn to Love with no expectations. Don't Love for what you get out of it, or what you may get back in return. Love so that he or she knows without a doubt that, at one point, he/she has been loved! Don't always expect Love to come to you from the same place you planted it. Love is cyclical, however not always direct!

Are you a Loving person? Then start with giving Love to yourself as much as you will ever need. That way, if you don't feel that Love is coming your way, your Love level will be continually full. Don't base the Love of self, on how much Love others shovel your way. You want to expect Love from someone else, but don't expect from him or her what you do not expect of yourself! Self Love, then spread it! Do not give away what you cannot afford to lose!

So many times I hear, "But I NEED him/her." How much better would it feel to know that the person who Loves you, Loves you because they CHOOSE to and not out of necessity? I personally do not want that kind of Love. I want to receive Love because someone cares enough about me to make sure that I know I am Loved, not because they need my Love in return! Until I reach that place, I have all the Love that I need when I look into the mirror!

Copyright © 2010 Natasha Guy

1 comment:

  1. This absolutely resonates within me. It definitely gave me a more defined, detailed, focused outlook on such a wonderful conceptual emotion.
