Thursday, January 21, 2010


You Cant Make Me
I took to the four adobe walls
like multiple wrecking balls.
Fuck yo box!
Yeah, I had to go there momentarily
Because it's taking you a few to catch up with me.
I don't want your box!
I knew it was too small for me to live inside of it
I tried thinking outside, ran in circles and got fit.
Your box is designed for you!
Maybe I don't want edges, corners and walls
Give me sometime fluid with no boundaries at all.
Keep your box!
My space is ever expanding and not to be kept
Inline, in walls, nor under a rug swept.
I reject your box!
Copyright © 2010 Natasha Guy
Piety, holier than thou, do as he says, not as he does because he's elevated himself above you.
His pillar is built upon the twisted foundations that he has constructed from the withering truths.
He is the pastor that led a million people before being brought to his knees upon a syndicated altar.
He is the leader who developed his own brand of religion with books, buildings, and websites.
He promoted prosperity achieved through your checking accounts, donations and bleeding hearts.
He prostituted the basic Word of God repeatedly until it was just a word from his self-ordained lips.
With his mighty hand offering salvation, he has destroyed almost as many as he's helped to redeem.
He's made it harder to see even a glimpse of the Heavenly Father by clouding the atmosphere with him.
He has been exposed and his monstrosity is crumbling around him upon his congregation.
On the outside looking in at my fellow man,
You have been led astray, pushed aside, driven from the truth.
Not the feel good, sell it to you, prophesy for a dollar religion;
Truth as it was originally designed, offered and created.
Jesus did not promise everyone a house on a hill, a full bank account and perfect health.
Salvation and heavenly after life were the promises given.
The Bible says that Jesus is the way, truth and life.
That means that it is between you and Him only.
It's not about what you wear, how much you give or what you drive.
It is about accepting Christ as Lord in your life.
What ever that looks like to you, go with it.
Most instruction is interpretation these days,
Be sure to get your own understanding as well.
I'm not against organized religion, I'm pro-people.
The figures who fall daily from their scandelous platforms,
They hurt the face of God.
Not because of their human errors,
But their treacherous shadows.
They seem to use stage lights skillfully;
So bright, their shadows are drowned out.
Let's keep our eyes on the man upon the cross,
Not the blood stained wood and nails that held him there.
Copyright © 2010 Natasha Guy

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