Friday, July 3, 2009

Yay San Diego

Okies quick update. I'm in San Diego (yes again for those who know me well). I've gotta go get a cake soon to make for tomorrow's BBQ. Gonna hang with Sarah, her parents and my Kev. I'll be down here til Tues afternoon. Then on Wed I'll head back with kids in tow in the am. Cant wait for my babies to be home. I'm hoping [praying] that my head will not erupt too badly while they are here. We have soooo much planned...I'm tired already lol.

For the weekend plans, I've got the BBQ and the beach. Yay sun [please head hold up]. I should put my contacts in too...hmm. I'm currently watching NCIS and excited for True Blood on Sunday lmao. So so sad that I staye up last nite watching this seasons episodes so far as well as last seasons finale. Tonite I think I shall be packing, drinking, and baking, what a combo lmao.

BTW her cats freak me out from time to time =) no...really they do! One was sitting between us and starts gagging and hocks up a loogie EWWWW. I'm very very very grossed out by bodily fluids. VERY. EXTREMELY. GROSSED. OUT. Then...thennnnnn the other one, barfed up this nassy arse hairball. Like it almost made me sick. Have you ever seen a cat regurgitate one of those fawkers? *shudder* OMG. EW. Ok sooooooo moving on now.

Ever have a friend constantly complain to you about something for months and months on end, ask you for advice, then go against what you suggested repeatedly? I mean...this is a simple linear equation! A+B=C. A being your action and B being the person with whom you are dealing. If C is undesireable, and you want result D, not equal to C, STOP DOIN' A!!!!!!!!! Just because you try it from a diffy angle doesnt mean that you can get D. You need to do something different. Why does it take people YEARS to understand this? A + B CANNOT = D...EVARRRRRR lmao. SMH sorry...its just frustrating to see multiple people do this with others continuously.

I think for the main part...people do this [this back n forth maybe it can work BS] because when they initially separate, they dont take the time to go thru the 5 phases for the death of the relationship. They stall somewhere and dont accept it, so they fall susceptible to it agai and again. It saddens me to see this. Not that I havent done it once or twice, but normally no, if i walk its done. If I DO make that nonfamiliar trek back, I'm not going the A route, i change up. Its worked once. The other time, not so much. BLAH, I'm gonna stop rambling.

Its a beautiful day in sunny San Diego. I love long as I'm not driving in it lmao!

Hasta Luego Fa Now!

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