Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hair I just read a blog about black women being "afraid" to acknowledge their black hair by perming it. Now dont get me wrong I know there are some people out there who may perm their hair specifically because they dont want to "embrace" their black culture. However, WHYYYY do I have to keep my hair natural just to embrace the culture? The black culture is not JUST hair. I'm so annoyed with this! The way I wear my hair has nothing to do with how black I am! I'm not less black because I perm it, and I'm not more black when I decide not to. I do what I can manage the best at the time.

Sometimes thats to straighten it, other times it's easier to not worry about perming it. In the winter, I like to wear my hair down. I like how it looks straight and flat, so I perm it almost religiously during the winter months. I like to swim or be outside during the summer. It's also way too hot to keep it down; the way my head sweats, itd be frizzy anyway. So, during the summer months I usually don't perm my hair at all...maybe once lol. Braids or pony tails, etc work best during those months.

I say all that to hair doesnt not make me who I am. It just means I was feeling it that day!

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