Monday, December 1, 2014

I Was In My Feels About A Man I Loved


If I could do
It all, no consequences,
You would always smile.

My voice would send chills
Down your spine and curl your toes
With sweet memories.

If I could give you
Your heart's desires and still be
happy with us...sigh.

I repeatedly
Tried to figure it all out.
How to defy odds.

It'd be perfect if
We loved in the same way,
But alas, we don't.

I can't finish your
Every thought and notion, but
I do understand.

I'm not as open as
Your wildest ideas,
But I'm devoted.

That counts for something.
I know it's not everything,
But I think maybe...

In a diff'rent world,
I could be enough for you
To want me the same.

When I close my eyes
And begin to dream the dreams,
You're still leading man.

Love, you occupy
My idea of perfection.
My subconscious knows.

Sometimes, I allow
Myself to wonder if you'll
ever see the same.

You have potential,
But don't want to fulfill it,
Together, with me

It wouldn't solve all
Your problems, but it'd soothe
Some of the turmoil.

I can't make for sure
Promises of forever,
But I would still try.

Tomorrow isn't
Guaranteed, but I would set
Every intention.

Surely, not easy,
But that doesn't mean it's not
Worth all that we've got.

What if we're not doomed?
Maybe just challenged. And I
Think we're both entitled.

Take my hand and trust
In the love we've created.
Please, believe in us.

Copyright © 2014 Natasha Guy

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