But It Can’t
Our forever has come and I'm too tired to even say goodbye,
So I'm waving to the wind, and hopefully it will reach you
With the understanding that I’ve loved you for you,
And you never bothered to discover who I really am.
We both know that I am solid,
But you fail to realize I'm also complete.
On my own, without you, I’ve managed to
Fill in my emptied nooks and crannies.
While I want to be the full piece that fits beside,
You're so used to being an empty woman’s center
That with my readjustment and growth,
You’re ready to let me go.
Perfection in your eyes is how you solve my problems
But for me, it's realizing you don't need a solution, just a complement.
Maybe that's the issue, you see all the ways I still need to be fixed
And I just want to add to you, because you're perfect in your existence.
And that's what I'd say to you if my heart could ever actually let go.
Copyright © 2015 Natasha Guy